The Circuit Hiker Award was first established in 1972 for the purpose of recognizing those who walk the entire 84-mile Susquehannock Trail System in one or more hikes. To date there have been 1,299 numbers assigned to approved circuit hikers.
To apply for this award the hiker(s) must submit a detailed written log, preferably with photos, which is reviewed by the Circuit Hiker Award Committee consisting of three active club members. The log may be submitted as a hard copy or a digital file. If all Qualification Requirements are met and the committee agrees, the log is approved, and the next consecutive number is awarded. The committee chairman then sends the approval letter and wallet card with the assigned circuit hiker number. This letter will explain that a circuit hiker patch and certificate will be presented to those who attend the KTA (Keystone Trails Association) fall hiking weekend in specific detail. They will be mailed to those who cannot attend the meeting.
The requirements for earning the circuit hiker award are outlined in the PDF below that may be printed out. Instructions for submission depend on the format the hiker selects:
Hard Copy: Completed logs with accompanying photographs are to be submitted to the club’s mailing address: Susquehannock Trail Club, PO Box 643, Coudersport, PA 16915
Digital Copy: Scan your log or type it up as a text document. Convert the file to a PDF. Images can be embedded within the text or attached separately to the email. Email everything to