Below you can meet our club leadership team, who give their time and talents to make the STS a great hiking experience for everybody. However, it takes many more to make the STS possible. We are grateful for the work of all of our dozens of volunteers whose love for the trail you can see every time you set foot on the STS.
Section maintainers adopt a portion of the trail to maintain throughout the year, doing jobs like clearing blowdowns, trimming undergrowth, and painting blazes. We also have numerous maintainers-at-large who offer their skills wherever the need arises, and build crews that put up the many bridges, benches, and shelters you see along the trial. Additionally, there are many off-trail jobs that keep the club going behind the scenes.
All of these efforts are supported by the dues of hundreds of club members around the country. Whether you are thinking of volunteering on-trail or supporting our work through membership, please consider joining today!
Wanda Shirk has been president of the STC since 2010,
and over those past 14 years also did double duty by
serving five years as vice president and three years as
president of the statewide Keystone Trails
Association. A retired Northern Potter high school
English teacher, Wanda first backpacked the STS in
2000, and since then has gone on to hike 22 of
Pennsylvania's 25 long-distance (over 20 miles) hiking
trails, half of the Appalachian Trail, most of the Finger
Lakes Trail, and six ADK high peaks, for a total of over
3500 trail miles. Doing trail maintenance is also one of
her great joys and satisfactions. She has received the
State Forest Hiking Trails Award and KTA's Lifetime
Achievement Citation Award, but she says hours in the
woods are about time to think and to enjoy peace,
quiet, and the beauty of nature as well as to find
challenge and adventure. Her goals: to "love (be
kind), learn (read, think), lead (serve), live (hike,
adventure!), and leave a legacy."
John Zimmer, a former Baltimore firefighter and EMT, moved to Cross Fork when he retired and has been Vice President of the STC since 2014. Anchoring the southern end of the trail for the club, John has been especially helpful in shuttling hikers and helping them spot cars for backpacking or hiking from Ole Bull or Patterson State Park to Cross Fork, but he also shuttles anywhere for STS or even Donut Hole Trail hikes. He's happy to get calls at 570-923-2052 or email at to schedule shuttles. Several time a year John helps man STC tables at the Kettle Creek Outdoor Show and spring and fall festivals in Galeton and Coudersport. John has been a long-time maintainer for the Lieb Run Trail, from Shephard Rd. to Cross Fork, and he bought his own DR trail mower to assist in mowing other sections of the STS, especially south of the Greenlick Rd. and Stony Run sections. "See you in the woods!" says John.
Lois joined STC in 1969 while working as secretary in Forest District #15 in Coudersport. She and her parents hiked the entire STS that year, becoming the first hikers to earn the distinction of STS Circuit Hikers, with Lois being #3.
She has served 6 years as club treasurer, 26 years as archivist, and now 11 years as secretary. In 2017 she was awarded the Wil and Betty Ahn Big Shoes Award for outstanding service to the STC and is also a Life Member.
Retired now for several years she fills her time maintaining the membership records, answers routine requests for trail and club information and mails out requested trail guides, maps, and brochures. In her spare time, she enjoys watching backyard wildlife and birds, picnics, campfires, reading, and relaxing with her two feline fur babies.
Lori Szymanik grew up in Ulysses, PA. As a child, she spent time on trail with the hiking groups that stayed at the Lodge her parents own. She moved away for college and later moved to Pittsburgh, PA. She ended up following her heart back to the mountains of Potter County in 2015 to pursue a special education teaching position. When she is not teaching, you will find her spending time with family, hiking with friends, cross country skiing, or volunteering at the PA Lumber Museum and Eliot Ness Museum. Lori enjoys hiking and doing trail maintenance on the STS. She has been the recording secretary for the STC for the past 4 years and helped with installing the mile markers around the STS when she completed her circuit hike in 2020. She is also the club’s circuit hiker chairman.
Steve Erway shares a multi-generational love of the
STS. He was first introduced to the trail by his mother
Dorothy Erway and two uncles Ray and Bob Buck in the
1970s. Becoming a life member of the STC was a way
for Steve to honor her and the memories they made
together on the trail. Always a runner, in 2020 Steve
got a total re-immersion in the trail when his son
Koloman recorded the first FKT - Fastest Known Time -
for a supported circuit of the trail in 27 hrs., 22 min.,
with Steve jogging along with Kol through the post-
midnight hours of the final 13 miles. Steve is well
known in Coudersport for his service with the Lions
Club, recycling work, Community Foundation (CFTT),
Masonic work (Consistory Ambassador), and president
of the Eulalia Cemetery. Extending a career in banking
at Northwest, Steve is well-qualified to be treasurer of
the STC.
Bill has been Trail Manager for years, organizing trail maintainers for 25 sections of the STS, arranging work crews and ordering materials for bridge and shelter building projects, keeping records of everyone's hours and work completed, and putting out calls for sawyers or other help as needed -- though just as often, he'll take his saw and clear a reported blowdown himself. His emails to "the team" are full of encouragement and often the BB sense of humor.
As Tool Manager, Bill makes sure chains are sharp for the saws, gas and oil are ready for brushcutters and other two cycle engines, loppers and pulaskis and rogue hoes are available for manual labor, trail mowers are transported to work sites, and the tool trailer is clean and on site for work days or local parades.
Bill personally has built eleven heavy-duty picnic tables for the club to donate to Ole Bull State Park in appreciation for hosting our annual August camporees, and he's built half a dozen smaller picnic tables for our trail shelters, plus a memorial bench on the Duck Pond Loop.
In recent years Bill has honed the skill of making trail signs, taking over where Tom Fitzgerald left off to help hikers identify where they are and how far it is to the next water, road, or shelter.
For eighteen years, since Bob Knowles passed the baton in 2006, Bill has written a weekly column of trail club news for the Potter Leader Enterprise, drawing attention to our club and trail for local subscribers and many out-of-area camp owners.
Over the past decade, Bill has also been STC treasurer, keeping records meticulously in his super-neat printing. Being overloaded with his multiple duties, Bill is happy to be able to turn this task over to Steve Erway for the upcoming term.
Some say, "No one is indispensable." Hmmm. We don't know what the STC would do without Bill. Talk about "Big shoes to fill!"
Curt and Penny Weinhold moved to Potter County in 1973 and soon became members of the STC. Curt completed his first circuit hike in 1975 and measured the STS with a measuring wheel in 1985 to provide data for the first guidebook. Curt and Penny have been maintainers for decades of the Ridge Trail section, from mile 0 to Thompson Rd. A PA Wilds juried artisan, frequently found at the Artisan Center in Coudersport on Saturdays, Curt is best known for his nature and dark-skies photography, but he is also engaged in many civic activities. He is a board member of both the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum and Friends of Lyman Run SP, served a decade on the Potter County Planning Commission, and was for years a ski instructor on Denton Hill. Curt and Penny also enjoy traveling to visit their sons Keith in Alaska and Eric in Nevada.
Larry A. Holtzapple, originally from York, Pa., moved to
Wellsboro in 2014 and joined the Susquehannock Trail
Club the same year. Larry and his wife Violetta started
hiking sections of the STS in July 2013 and finished
section hiking the 84 mile loop in April 2018, becoming
circuit hikers #1159 and #1160. He has been a club
adviser since 2020. A college graduate and Army
veteran, Larry is a member of the Pennsylvania Lumber
Museum, KTA, and Friends of Lyman Run. Larry is a trail
maintainer-at-large and has been one of the club's top
two maintainers every year since 2017, averaging over
200 hours a year, contributing to the construction of
shelters and bridges on the trail, blazing, and general
trail clearing. He enjoys all outdoor activities, but
especially hiking about the Pennsylvania Wilds.
Chad Rugh has been a Potter County resident since 2009, where he teaches history at a local school district. Chad has always had a deep appreciation of the history and natural beauty of Pennsylvania's forests. In 2019, Chad began maintaining a section of the STS from Sunken Branch Road to Denton Hill with his wife, April, and son, Henry. In the summer of 2022, Chad became Circuit Hiker #1268. In addition to serving on the advisory board, Chad helped create the club's Farout trail guide with Dave McMillan, and he also maintains the club website.
Dave McMillan, a lifelong hiker and backpacker, joined
the STC in 1997 along with wife Roxanne. The first 10
or so years were focused on trail care and backpacking,
completing the STS circuit in 2000. In recent years his
club involvement has been focused on support
activities. Dave has been newsletter editor for 5 years
and webmaster for 2 years, recently turning this over to
Chad. Dave has also worked with Chad on digital
mapping and setting up the FarOut digital trail guide.
He's collaborated with Larry on mapping and publishing
of loop trail maps and worked with Lois on the STC's
membership database development and administration.
For seven years Dave was a maintainer of the
Hammersley trail section, and he also participated in 11
years of KTA weekend and weeklong trail care projects
and was the STC's KTA rep for several years.
Ab Janifer "Jan" Halter, from Hanover, Pa. moved to Gaines in 2015. A Boy Scout leader for 24 years, she and husband John were attracted to this area by the opportunities to participate in outdoor activities. The STS fit the bill for hiking and love for nature. Jan and John are a section maintainers of the STS from Hungry Hollow Rd. to Ole Bull State Park. The couple are energetic volunteers with Friends of Lyman Run State Park, the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum, Tioga County Woodland Owners Association, and the Gaines Township recycling program, and they have enjoyed helping with hiker shuttles and sometimes feeding trail crews. Jan says the STC has been a way to meet wonderful people with common interests. c
Susquehannock Trail Club
PO Box 643 Coudersport PA 16915
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